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The last update was nearly a full year ago, what's going on?

Life got in the way, as it usually does, and because of that i'm currently unable to continue working on this project. Trust me, I want to go back to it but until my situation has stabilised I'm unable to finish it.

Thank you for still asking about it though.


Just finished the newest build and I'm loving it so far! I'll definitely read more once it updates. 

Do you have a sequel or anything planned? Kind of hard to believe we're already halfway through, and it feels like there's a lot more coming (but maybe that's just me).

It's a minor nitpick, but the skip button seems to lag the game a lot. Maybe that's because of the many transitions and character movements (which are good, I'm not complaining about those!) or because of the size of the image files. Then again, you probably can't do much about it and it's not a big deal for linear games anyway. I thought I'd point it out in case someone hasn't yet.


Thanks a lot for reading it!
There is indeed a sequel planned, yes. I can't talk much about it though. I'm still working on the second part. I will release the second half of the game in the next big update!

Also yes sorry about the game lagging, it's me pushing renpy into it's limits, making it do something it's not really supposed to do. I will try to improve on that but it's a bit hard considering it really seems to be an engine problem mixed with some hard to change choices now that i'm that far into development ^^'


Loved the characters and the story so far. Excited to see the rest!


Really great story so far.
I really enjoyed each character and following them along, can't wait to read the rest of it.

I want to ask you, will there be multiple endings or not?


There are bad endings along the road, but only one final ending.


The greatest thing since butter on bread, 10/10 would play more of it


Excited for the next builds, it's such a masterpiece 😋


Thanks Wacky! I'll do my best for the rest and I hope you'll appreciate it!