TKH version 0.9.3 released! Android support coming soon

A word from the main dev:

Hi people, Lunrae speaking! 

Well there it is then. The first release of the game. From the tester i've had this should be around 2 to 4 hours of reading for anyone reading this. If you come here I suppose it's because you've already read it. If so, thank you! I certainly hope you enjoyed what I've done here. The game has an ending FAQ but I thought I would just write a more... Free form thoughts here on this devlog.

What this project really is about:

This project really was a way for my to try my skill at making a story and a simple visual novel. Most of all, it was also an occasion to finally show this universe I've had for a while now. This story is just a fragment on this whole world I've created and I hope to make more project in this universe in the future. That being said, before any of that can be done, I need to finish this story.

This build is about half of this game's story. The story for the whole game is already written, but making all the assets and code is what takes so long here. I plan to release the rest of the game as soon as possible, but I cannot give a date yet. Making this game isn't my full time job and I make most of the project alone, so it takes time to be able to work on all of that.

That being said if you enjoyed it I hope you'll be as excited to see the rest of the game as I am excited to make it happen!

What's next:

Well first I want to address that I'm working on an android build for the game. I know a lot of people read this on android.

For the rest, it's waiting time I'm afraid. But you can drop by the server If you have some thoughts you'd like to discuss I'd be happy to try and discuss them with you!

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